Our Culture.

The power of Most Inc. comes from our people and the teamwork we build together. We invest in people who share the same values.
Important values for us are as follows :

Principals of mostier

We are Innovators

We constantly invent and innovate.
There is no small innovation. Every innovation matters.

We Own

We challenge norms, own, and commit,
and become experts.

We Excel

From small event creation to getting million-dollar deal,
we pursue excellence. We don’t aim for medium result.
We love to ‘dive deep’ for a better result.

We Act Fast

Speed does matter in business.
We value speedy action with a calculated risk taking.

We Deliver

We are goal-oriented entity.
We deliver results.

We do the right thing

We know what is right and
ethical in business.

We are motivated
by our own passion.

External pressure is not what makes us work
and move forward.

We grow only when our partners grow.
Sharing matters to us.

Despite the high quality and performance of K-beauty products, the presence of K- beauty has stayed silent and hasn’t gotten recognition from the global beauty industry as most Korean companies have lacked international experience- They didn’t understand how to communicate within the beauty community. Most of the products were made to sell to the Korean market, and we believe that we could change this by bringing our global expansion expertise into the game.

We genuinely believe in the power of teamwork and the power of collaboration. When we work with our partners, we help their business grow and allow their teams to up their value to learn from the best experience and the environment. We believe that continuous growth via collaborative and intelligent working knowledge allows our company to continue our active passion for beauty and business.

We believe that sharing can help our company mature its value and culture by supporting the difficult neighbors. It is one of the key values that we are proud to keep in our company’s culture and develop annually. Since its establishment in 2018, we have been regularly sponsoring needy children in Africa and supporting our local neighbors with the donation of personal care products. We are happy and proud to help others.


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